28th January 2023 with Cecilia Ramondetta
HONOURING OUR GRIEF through the Truth Mandala
“Truth-telling is like oxygen: It enlivens us. Without it we grow confused and numb. It is also a homecoming, bringing us back to powerful connection and basic authority” – Joanna Macy
We live in times of deep change, for the planet and ourselves, and we rarely have an opportunity to sit with the grief this might generate with fearless heart and integrity.
This is an invitation to join a safe, respectful and confidential circle for a practice that supports us in owning and honouring our feelings about what is happening.
Where: north County Dublin
Max 15 participants, gift economy basis

What is Active Hope?
The name comes from the book ‘Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power’ by Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy.
In the early 90s, when I trained with Joanna Macy in this approach to processing our feeling around the deepening environmental crisis, it was called ‘despair and empowerment work’ and, in some ways, I think this still captures best the nature of the practices as they free us from despair and empower us to act.
It is appropriate to have strong emotional responses to what is happening our world. Together we validate our feelings and in working through them, are renewed and empowered to become effective agents of change.